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You are currently in EthicsPoint, the secure reporting system of NAVEX, to report a concern or suspicion of harassment, abuse, or exploitation, including sexual misconduct and trafficking in persons.

EthicsPoint is NOT an Emergency Service

If an immediate threat to life exists or if emergency assistance is needed, please contact your local authorities and/or alert local senior management and country or regional Safety and Security Advisor at once.

CRS is committed to assessing and addressing all reports. The information you provide here will be used by CRS’ Ethics Unit Safeguarding Team and relevant senior management to determine appropriate next steps. Please fill in as much information as is known. Detailed information enables CRS to thoroughly assess and address the reported concern. If details are unknown, do not attempt to assess or investigate the concern. Fill in the information that is known to you. It is better to report early with fewer details than wait to report or not report at all.

CRS’ Ethics Unit Safeguarding Team will confirm receipt of your report within two to three days and thereafter may need to follow up with you to obtain further details. If you are reporting anonymously, the Ethics Unit Safeguarding Team will contact you though this system. Please use your report key and password to return to EthicsPoint through the website periodically to see if CRS has any questions regarding your report.

Items marked with a diamond are required fields.

Reporter Details

Reporter Details
Do you want to remain anonymous?
If you choose to remain anonymous, CRS may follow up with you using this reporting system. Please use your report key and password to return to EthicsPoint periodically. 

Your Name & Contact Information

Include the area code or country code.
(Format: username@domain.com)




Description of Concern or Suspicion

Type of Incident
Please provide as many details as are known about what took place, from start to finish. Describe concerning behaviors (ex. touching or other physical contact, display of inappropriate images, name-calling) and statements (ex. language used).
Examples include: CRS Office Location, Name of Village/Town/City. If multiple locations, please include all locations that are known.
(Format: mm/dd/yyyy)
If ongoing or multiple incidents, please select the approximate date of the first incident.

If answering yes, please contact your local authorities and/or alert local senior management and country or regional Safety and Security Advisor at once
Examples include: reporter, victim/survivor, witness, perpetrator/subject of complaint
Examples include: Relocated person/s involved, notified local authorities or other relevant entity

Victim/Survivor Details


Victim Identity

If you are unable to provide this information, please type “Unknown”
If you are unable to provide this information, please type “Unknown”


Include the area code or country code.
(Format: username@domain.com)
(If you are unable to provide the victim's identity enter Unknown into those fields.)



Examples include: gender, disability status, unique vulnerabilities, current location, job title, physical and emotional state (ie. cuts, bruises, behavior changes), known support needs (ie. psychosocial, medical)
Examples include: medical, psycho-social, legal or other assistance

Perpetrator/Subject of Complaint Details


(If you are unable to provide the suspect's identity enter Unknown into those fields.)


Include the area code or country code.
(Format: username@domain.com)


Examples include: gender, disability status, current location, job title

Other Witnesses/Persons of Knowledge Details

Other Witnesses/Persons of Knowledge Details

Supporting Documentation

Supporting Documentation
If you have a document or file that supports your report, most common file types can be uploaded:


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    Create a Password to Follow-up on this Report


    Provide a password for this report in the space below. Upon submission of this report, you will be issued a 'report key'. Please write down your chosen password and report key and keep in a safe place – neither your report key or password can be recovered if you misplace them. Using the report key and password you will be able to use the "Follow Up" functionality of this report which will allow you to:

    • Upload documents
    • Respond to follow-up questions/comments
    • Provide additional information


    (Passwords must be at least four(4) characters in length.)